We have now had four weeks of opening and welcomed over 250 visitors over 11 days. The house façade is looking very smart after its latest redecoration and the garden is looking wonderful too.
The wet weather in May followed by the hot spell in June has created a riot of colour all tended by our team of hard-working garden volunteers.
The shop is proving popular too. Now that the shop at the Guildhall is closed we are hoping to add some more products to our shop to entice our visitors.
At the moment the house is open on just 3 days from 1.00 to 4.00 pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. From Jul 22nd it will also open Thursdays.
We are still on the lookout for more volunteers to guide, meet and greet our visitors and many other roles. Little Hall has some wonderful stories to tell and volunteering is incredibly rewarding, even if you only have a few hours a week to spare any help would be most welcome. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us. See http://www.littlehall.org.uk/volunteering/