What was happening at Little Hall nearly 70 years ago?

Elizabethan life, Audrey Mendes, one of the
actresses, being led away from Little Hall.
Little Hall has appeared in film on a number of occasions over the years but this one is the earliest yet discovered. This newspaper cutting was recently unearthed which describes the making of a short film on Elizabethan Times. Thanks to the Radio Times archive it is possible to pin down the year to 1953 when there was a drama on 17th November on the B.B.C. based on the accession of Queen Elizabeth I.
The Evening Star journalist described the scene.
‘A B.B.C. film unit, with some 40 actors, actresses and technicians, was busy at Lavenham yesterday , despite wind and rain, making part of a 15 minute film on Elizabethan Life, to be given on television on November 17th in tribute to Queen Elizabeth II. …..
Spectators flocked to the ancient Market Place to watch the filming of a scene outside the home of Lieut.-Col. T.G. Gayer-Anderson, which has been greatly restored, being originally divided into cottages.
The article goes on to describe the actors and onlookers in some detail mentioning some of the crowd.
Does anyone remember this wet November day nearly 70 years ago?