Richard Poulson was born in Little Hall in 1923 when his family lived in one of the tenements. They moved out and the Gayer Andersons started restoration. He and other children would visit Little Hall, where the Colonel was then living, on their way home from school. He is photographed here by Colonel Gayer Anderson, outside Little Hall.
The Colonel was an accompllshed artist, as illustrated by many of his works that we have at Little Hall. He would paint portraits of some of these children and painted Richard who kept this all his life. The family has now presented it to Little Hall and on Saturday April 30th 2022 we unveiled it in the presence of Richard’s family: his brothers Stan and Les, with Les’s wife Kath and son Andy.

To accompany the picture we put together an exhibition illustrating life in the Little Hall tenements in the 19th and early 20th centuries, based on census records and other material. We also had recorded memories from Richard’s brothers, Stan and Les, of their childhood in 1930s Lavenham. The exhibition has now finished but we will present the material in other formats in the future. Here’s the picture.